‘Let’s Make Some Fucking Art!’

Means TV
4 min readApr 20, 2021


Seize The Memes with Teenage Stepdad Coming to Means TV

Do you enjoy Bob Ross but wish he cussed more and made memes about capitalism and boners while floating on a rock in space? If so… you’re in luck!

April 20, 2021 — Seize the Memes with Teenage Stepdad, a new Means TV original show that explores the exciting world of meme art and the rise of DIY digital media, in these… the last days of the American Empire, premieres on 6/9/2021.

Seize The Memes with Teenage Stepdad, encourages viewers to take the phone or computer they use to consume media, and instead create media.

As we descend into greater inequality and face global instability from climate change, our corporate owned media gaslights and lies to us about what we see with our own eyes. In this age of misinformation, the only art that feels in any way relevant and resonates broadly are the memes working class people are making on their shitty phones and laptops and sharing with their friends on the internet.

“Seize the Memes is a show set in a half-remembered bygone world of public broadcast instructional programming but our show celebrates digital meme art. I hope people find it to be equally absurd and sincere, unlike anything else they’ve seen yet somehow familiar and comforting. I’m a balding middle-aged dad who creates art because he has to,” said Teenage Stepdad, creator and star of the show.

The 6-episode show was filmed in a garage in Tucson, Arizona and was written, directed, and edited by meme artist, Teenage Stepdad, and evokes the feeling of 90’s public access television.

Viewers learn how to make a different meme in each episode and are empowered to reject pre-packaged media narratives and become active participants in our collective story, by making and propagating their own anti-media.

Episode topics range from Make Your Own Fucking Propaganda and Fuck Modernism, to Copyright is Fake and Drop Out of Art School.

Means TV began developing the project in 2020 and will be hosting it on their anti-capitalist streaming service, releasing a new episode every week for six weeks.

Nick Hayes, the Executive Producer of the show and Head of Production at Means TV says, “Teenage Stepdad is an artist that has contributed massively to the world of meme art. He’s made so many people feel seen and less isolated in our miserable capitalist society. Means TV aims to be a home for artists and creators that want to take that next step into film, and help provide money, production resources, and guidance. It’s hard to make TV, but like anything, if we come together and work collectively anything is possible.”

“Means TV was the only platform that would have allowed this show to be what it was meant to be,” said Teenage Stepdad when asked about why he worked with the new streaming company.

“Means invested in me and my vision as a creator, even though I had never attempted anything like it before. The mission of the show is to inspire participation in a bottom-up do-it-yourself media that speaks to the values and interests of poor and working class people. A worker-owned streaming service is the perfect home for Seize the Memes. I’m grateful to the co-op, and to every one of my fellow co-op members, for making this insane show possible.”

In the end it’s not actually about learning to Photoshop at all, it’s about a guy turning his garage and an internet connection into his own personal propaganda machine, and having a blast doing it.

The show’s first episode premieres on Means TV on 6/9/21.

Sign up here to be notified when the show is up, or subscribe to access Means TV’s current library of over 30 feature films, 6 original series, and 3 weekly original shows including Means Morning News a weekly, anti-capitalist morning news show.


Means TV is the world’s first worker-owned, post-capitalist streaming service with a library of documentaries, movies, and original shows. Means TV is entirely funded by subscribers. No advertisers. No VC cash. We make entertainment for the 99%. http//:means.tv



Means TV

Means TV is a post-capitalist streaming service with a library of feature-length movies, documentaries, series and more.